dB range:

Error: too new

This page is based on the MediaDevices API, which connects cameras and microphone to the web (with your permission, of course). It's a draft standard that has been supported by browsers including Firefox and Chrome since 2012.

You're probably reading this error on iOS, because Apple still doesn't support MediaDevices, and doesn't allow other browsers in the app store unless they use Safari under the hood. IOW Firefox on iOS can't use the mic either. Your only hope is to get a phone that isn't so paranoid and controlling.

Loris Sound Modeling Demo

Loris is an Open Source sound modeling and processing software package based on the Reassigned Bandwidth-Enhanced Additive Sound Model. Loris supports modified resynthesis and manipulations of the model data, such as time- and frequency-scale modification and sound morphing.

Loris is developed by Kelly Fitz and Lippold Haken at the CERL Sound Group, and is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

This page uses Loris 1.8, compiled into JavaScript by emscripten, to make spectrograms. "Raw" omits the channelize and distill functions. Click along the left to pick the fundamental (target) frequency. Click the spectrogram to see raw partial data.

Click anywhere to dismiss this message.

Demo and JavaScript wrapper by Christopher Nicolai mandelics.com