Art and music, fractals and games, clocks and MIDI tools by Christopher Nicolai
Coded Video Messages 1 — Christopher Nicolai 2024
Coral Flow — Christopher Nicolai 2024
The Robot — Christopher Nicolai 2022
The glow was coming from inside the cave — Christopher Nicolai 2022
orca near calm elms — puzzle game: spell four words across and down
Urgency — kitchen timer
Berries — W5 Buffalo
This Prism Splits Light Into Voxels — Christopher Nicolai 2022
Avoid Strenuous Exercise — Christopher Nicolai 2022
Stone Fruit — W5 Buffalo
Around Town — W5 Buffalo
Motor Mayhem — W5 Buffalo
Sinkhole-related — W5 Buffalo
Who What Where Why When (W5) Buffalo — embeddable custom maps from Buffalo NY Open Data
Fractal Technique
﹟📱 ․ — Christopher Nicolai 2022
Lone Guardrail — Christopher Nicolai 2022
Incomplete Pyramids — Christopher Nicolai 2022
Emotion Blur Effect — Christopher Nicolai 2021
Oxidize — Christopher Nicolai 2021
Orniforming — Christopher Nicolai 2021
Glass Flowers — Christopher Nicolai 2020
Moonlit Garden — Christopher Nicolai 2020
Storm of Saturn — Christopher Nicolai 2020
Study in Monochrome — Christopher Nicolai 2020
I Can Drive 55 — audio speedometer

In the 80's, Sammy Hagar couldn't drive 55. If you can drive exactly 55 MPH, you'll hear him singing about it. Drive too slow or too fast, and the music will slow down or speed up.

I've been wanting something that can limit my speed, without staring at the speedometer or going to full cruise control. Mechanically, it would be called a governor. Read more about governors...

The Beat Governor

Sequencer and sampler with playback speed that's tied to your physical speed as reported by GPS. Great motivator for bicycling and running, or an alternative to the dashboard if you're driving blind.

I've been wanting something that can limit my speed, without staring at the speedometer or going to full cruise control. Mechanically, it would be called a governor. Read more about governors...

Speed Governors — lost to history, rediscovered on your phone
PlayFast! — Is there really a "Coltrane Fractal"? No, but I built this super fast and accurate sequencer to investigate the question.
Siciliana BWV 1001 — echo restoration

Practicing and humming this movement, I started hearing echoes. Were they intentional? [More...]

Arrangement for guitar (PDF) in drop G tuning

Mandelic Spiral — Mandelbrot attractors: Usually, Mandelbrot sets are illustrated using their complementary set (the points which escaped). This app animates some periodic trajectories from the blank zone inside the Mandelbrot set.
Addiction and Distraction — math game: adding up numbers
The Origin of Fiery Cuban Landscape With Rain — classical guitar album
The Lafayette Sessions — classical guitar album
The Fargo Concert — classical guitar album
BeOnTime — clock with a randomized offset from reality
True Local Clock — adjusted for high noon at your longitude
Mandelbrot/Julia Explorer — realtime WebGL fractals
Random — number/word generator
Remote MIDI — transmits MIDI from one device to another